You might have already sold your book to a publisher and need help writing it. You might be starting with an idea and need to craft a proposal to sell to agents and publishers. You may have written a whole manuscript and gotten stuck.
I take my time getting to know you, your project and your voice. I listen and focus deeply. br>
Committing your ideas, experiences, or life's work to writing can be intimidating. Don't worry. I will reassure you. br>
We might plan a week-long retreat to refine the concept, draft an outline, or power through some writing. We might schedule weekly Skype meetings to keep you buoyant and productive. If cajoling doesn't work, I will be stern about deadlines. br>
You might ask me to write a draft that you can make your own. I might interview you and shape a strong, consistent narrative from the material. I will probably do background research, editing, proofing. br>
You will probably make me a good way. We will probably crack each other up. I will tell you when there is spinach in your teeth. We will probably become lifelong friends.